Hermosa Beach Personal Injury Attorneys – LA Law Group

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Personal Injury Attorney in Hermosa Beach

The LA Law Group Lawyers are committed to protecting the rights of individuals who have suffered severe injuries due to the negligence of others. Our team of experienced personal injury attorneys in Hermosa Beach is dedicated to providing solid legal representation in various cases, including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and premises liability. We understand the urgency of such cases and are available 24/7 to answer your call. We also offer free consultations with our skilled personal injury lawyers, and if you cannot come to us, we are happy to come to you.

Our Personal Injury Attorney in Hermosa Beach Accepts a Wide Range of Personal Injury Cases

Our personal injury attorneys in Hermosa Beach handle many personal injury cases. We have observed how far insurance companies can go to avoid paying out claims, and we advise against confronting them alone. LA Law Group personal injury lawyers in Hermosa Beach can assist you in devising a legal strategy that keeps you a step ahead of the opposing party.

We take on cases in the following practice areas:

  • Auto accidents
  • Bus accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Uber & Lyft accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Boat accidents
  • Train accidents
  • Airplane accidents

No Recovery, No Fee Promise

At LA Law Group, we understand how overwhelming the aftermath of a severe accident can be. We know you have a lot to deal with, and the last thing you want to worry about is paying legal fees. That’s why we accept cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t have to pay us any attorneys’ fees if you don’t recover compensation. We also offer our services in Irvine. We offer a free initial consultation, so you have nothing to lose by speaking to a Hermosa Beach accident lawyer from our firm.

Steps You Should Take After Immediately After An Accident

After being involved in an accident, your responsibilities will depend on the specific details of the incident, such as where and how it happened, the extent of your injuries, and any damages you incurred. However, there are a few steps that you should take to increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement:

1. Document the accident scene: Taking time stamped photos of the accident scene, including any injuries, property damage, and the hazard that caused the accident, can help your lawyer compile evidence to prove liability and damages.

2. Talk to witnesses: Eyewitness testimony can be crucial, mainly if your account of the events differs from that of the other party or insurance company. Witnesses may have noticed details about the accident you missed, and their testimony can strengthen your case.

3. Visit your doctor: To demonstrate that you suffered an injury or loss, it’s essential to have medical documentation. Your injury lawyer will need this documentation to prove your damages.

4. Speak with an accident attorney: A seasoned lawyer can help you understand your rights and navigate the claims process. They can also help you avoid making critical mistakes, calculate your losses, and negotiate with the opposing party on your behalf.

5. Set your social media profiles to “private”: Anything you post on social media may be used against you by the insurance company. To avoid any unnecessary hurdles, set your social media profiles to “private” or disable them until your case is resolved.

Set Up A Free Consultation With Our Personal Injury Lawyer In Hermosa Beach

If you have been involved in an accident and need financial help to cover medical bills, lost income, and other damages, you can contact LA Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers. Our expert legal team is highly experienced and can help you fight for the compensation you need to get your life back on track. To schedule a free case review, you can Contact us now or send us a message online.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Any Question?

How do I pay my medical bills until I get my settlement?

In case of an accident, the defendant’s insurance company will not pay bills until they establish liability. Therefore, you may have to cover these expenses initially. However, you can use Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage if it is a motor vehicle accident. Medical Payments coverage or health insurance coverage applies to any accident. You can use your workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured while working. It’s important to note that if you receive any settlement in the future, any insurers have the right to be reimbursed from the proceeds. You can still find a doctor or hospital to treat you if you do not have insurance. However, they will be paid from your eventual settlement.

How do I compensate for my lost wages until I get my settlement?

If you were in a car accident that was caused by someone else and you lost wages as a result, you should know that the at-fault party’s insurance will not cover your lost wages immediately. However, you can use your PIP coverage (Personal Injury Protection) if you have it, or you may be able to get short-term or long-term disability benefits through your employer. Remember that these insurers usually must be reimbursed when you receive a settlement. Additionally, if you have any vacation time, sick time, paid time off, or other forms of “comp” time through your employer, you can use those to cover your lost wages.

What if the accident happened on the job?

If you have suffered an injury at work, you may have several options for compensation. Typically, you will be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. These benefits will cover your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages. In addition, vocational rehabilitation assistance and lump sum payments may also be available for specific injuries or disabilities. If the accident that caused your injury was caused by someone other than your employer or coworker, you may be entitled to a personal injury claim against that third party. For instance, if you were injured due to defective workplace equipment, you may be able to sue the manufacturer. Although workers’ compensation may have the right to be reimbursed from the proceeds of your injury claim, pursuing such a claim is usually a good idea since you can receive more compensation than you would through workers’ compensation alone.

Do I need a lawyer for a personal injury case?

Resolving the issue without an attorney is possible in some cases of personal injury. For instance, if you were in a rear-end collision where the driver at the back was clearly at fault and no one was severely injured, you may negotiate with the insurance companies. However, you may require an attorney if the accident’s facts are complicated, your injuries are significant or unusual, or the at-fault driver is contesting responsibility. If a large amount of money is at stake, going without an attorney’s help is not advisable. Additionally, an attorney will almost always be required in cases where there is a dispute over liability or where the injuries are catastrophic.

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